MAIN 9:00 CHAIRS’INTRODUCTION 11:20 BANKINGONINNOVATION:THEFIGHTFORFINANCIALSERVICES David Blair, MD, Acarate,Singapore Digital transformation means different things to different banks. In Hong Kong it SESSIONS Robert Novaria, Partner, Treasury Alliance Group,US mayberollingoutcontactlesstothousands ofsmallmerchants;intheUKitmaybe 9:10 MAKINGTHEMOSTOFBANKING4.0 newmortgageplatforms;inEuropeitmaybeautomatingtradefinance.There’sthe voice revolution,mobile, 3Dholographic data display for trading rooms,Cloud, How much do FinTechs actually threaten the current banking and payments status AI-based advisory services and bots, distributed ledger – the list goes on. So what // DAY 3 quo? Isn’t Big Tech – cloud computing, customer-facing artificial intelligence and dothekeybanksbelievearethemostsignificant trendsfortheirbusinesses? Which THURSDAY MAY17 “big data” customeranalyticsdelivered byAmazon andGoogle–abiggerissue than of thesetrendsdotheybelievewill impacttheirdelivery ofproductsandservices to FinTech?Willthedisintermediationseeninconsumerfinancial services extendinthe corporatesthemost?Andhowdotheythinkcustomersshouldprepareforchanges same way to the corporate world? The battle for the key roles in the provision of inthewaysthatbankswilloperate?Inthispanel,theheadsofdigitalchangeatkey INTELLIGENT financial services is on, but how can treasurers ensure they benefit? Few people global financial institutions sharetheirinsights. TREASURY: have the breadth of knowledge to look across the whole of FinTech and banking to Moderated by: Simon Taylor, Co-Founder, Director of Blockchain, 11:FS, UK see the trends, the winners and the losers. You may not care too much about how Juan Jiménez, Head of Global Corporate Banking Innovation, Santander,Spain EMBRACING the world’s financial plumbing will be transformed, but you do need to know which THEFUTURE banks will win the innovation wars, which FinTechs to watch and how to identify 12:20 CONFERENCECLOSES–PLEASEJOINUS them and what you need to benefit from the next generation of transaction banking FORLUNCH products andservices. 10:00 BLOCKCHAIN:WHAT’SGOINGONBENEATHTHEHEADLINESANDHYPE Blockchain is at once the most over and under hyped technology in history. It has been positioned as being as world changing as the internet, but is also seen as the home of fraud and financial crime. Neither of these statements is fully true, or fully false. The family of technologies we call “blockchain” are moving into production in 2018, with major enterprises now taking the space seriously and software tools maturing.Sotherealquestionis,howdowezoomin,howdoweunderstandwhat’s signalandwhat’snoiseandwhatifanything shouldwedoaboutit? Simon Taylor, Co-Founder, Director of Blockchain, 11:FS,UK 10:40 REFRESHMENTBREAK “Eurofinance Miami was a great forum. I see a different approach from the traditional forms in as much as EFC is forward looking, what’s going on in the market, what are the new technologies. The panel approach is much more conducive to sharing best practices and engaging the audience. The level of participants are in the executive suite which I found to be very engaging. Great conference.” —FionaDeroo,BankofAmericaMerrillLynch 9
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